
Центр эрнста мулдашева пластика

Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev is DMS, professor, Director of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center (Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia), higher category surgeon, honorable consultant of the Louisville University (USA), member of the American Academy ofMore Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev is DMS, professor, Director of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center (Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia), higher category surgeon, honorable consultant of the Louisville University (USA), member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, certificated ophthalmologist of Mexico, member of the International Academy of Science, three times Champion of the USSR in sport tourism.

Muldashev is the inventor of the surgical biomaterial «Alloplant». Using the Alloplant biomaterials, the Center treats patients who earlier were thought to be incurable (optic nerve atrophy, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa etc.). The Alloplant invention opened up new opportunities for the development of regenerative surgery — a surgery, oriented to the «growth» of the human tissues.

Muldashev has developed more than 70 fundamentally new eye and plastic operations. 58 different types of the Alloplant biomaterials were invented and introduced into practice. He is the author of more than 300 articles, published in Russia and other countries. In 1999 he published a book «Whom we are originated from». He holds patents in Russia, USA, Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy. His works have been awarded two gold medals on International exhibitions. Ernst Muldashev visited more than 40 countries for lectures and demonstrative operations. He is an active surgeon, performing 300-400 surgeries a year.(citation needed). Less

Ernst Muldashev’s Books

Avg rating: 4.04 510 ratings 32 reviews

  • От кого мы произошли?

    Published 1996 11 Editions

  • Трагическое послание древних (В поисках Города Богов, #1)

    Published 2004 4 Editions

  • Златните плочи на Харати (В търсене на града на боговете, #2)

    Published 2003 4 Editions

  • В объятиях Шамбалы (В поисках Города Богов, #3)

    Published 2004 3 Editions

  • Матрица Жизни на Земле (В поисках Города Богов, #5)

    Published 2007 3 Editions

    Author Details

    Born in Verkhne-Sermenevo village, Beloretsky District, Bashkortostan) on January 01, 1948.

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  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Ernest Rifgatovich Muldashev Russian. Эрнст Рифгатович Мулдашев. Bashkir. Эрнст Рифғәт улы Мулдашев (born 1948, [[Verkhne-Sermenevo village, Beloretskiy district, Bashkortostan ]] is a Russian doctor. Tibet explorer, from the city of Ufa. Some of his controversial publishings were inspired by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. He is associated with alloplants which he claimed to have successfully used in combination with harvested tissue to restore partial sight to a blind Ukrainian woman.

    Muldashev Ernst Rifgatovich, DMS, professor, Director of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center (Ufa. Bashkortostan. Russia), higher category surgeon, honorable consultant of the Louisville University (USA), member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, certificated ophthalmologist of Mexico, member of the International Academy of Science, three times Champion of the USSR in sport tourism.

    Muldashev is the inventor of the surgical biomaterial «Alloplant» [1]. Using the Alloplant biomaterials, the Center treats patients who earlier were thought to be incurable (optic nerve atrophy, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa etc). The Alloplant invention opened up new opportunities for the development of regenerative surgery — a surgery, oriented to the «growth» of the human tissues.

    Muldashev has developed more than 70 fundamentally new eye and plastic operations. 58 different types of the Alloplant biomaterials were invented and introduced into practice. He is the author of more than 300 articles, published in Russia and other countries. In 1999 he published a book «Whom we are originated from». He holds patents in Russia, USA, Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy. His works have been awarded two gold medals on International exhibitions. Ernest Muldashev visited more than 40 countries for lectures and demonstrative operations. He is an active surgeon, performing 300-400 surgeries a year.

    * Сенсационные результаты научной экспедиции по поискам истоков происхождения человечества

    О Т К О Г О М Ы П Р О И З О Ш Л И ?

    Этот вопрос будоражит воображение многих людей. Но серьезные ответы, увы, встречаются не часто. Группа уфимских ученых (медики, биологи, физики) вот уже 9 лет ведет исследования в этой области. Возглавляет их ученый с мировым именем, директор Всероссийского центра глазной и пластической хирургии, доктор медицинских наук, профессор Эрнст МУЛДАШЕВ. В этом году он организовал международную трансгималайскую экспедицию, которая занялась поисками истоков происхождения человечества. Наш корреспондент Николай ЗЯТЬКОВ встретился сученым.

    - Эрнст Рифгатович, что было отправной точкой исследования? И при чем здесь глаза?

    - В свое время мы задались вопросом: почему во время разговора мы смотрим друг другу в глаза? Компьютерно-математический анализ показал, что человеческий взгляд способен воспринимать 22 геометрических параметра в области глаз, которые меняются под воздействием страха, тревоги, радости, болезней и других факторов. Мозг человека моментально анализирует это, получая дополнительную информацию.

    Затем мы взяли фотографии предстакителей всех рас мира и высчитали параметры "среднестатистических глаз", которые принадлежали, как выяснилось. тибетской расе. После этого мы разложили все фотографии по степени математического приближения к параметрам среднестатистических глаз, в результате чего получили пути распространения человечества по земному шару из Тибета, которые удивительным образом совпали с историческими фактами.

    - На Тибет, кстати, как центр происхождения человечества указывал еще в начале века великий русский ученый Николай Рерих. Если человечество расселилось с Тибета, то от кого оно произошло?

    - Валерий Лобанков - заместитель руководителя экспедиции специально выезжал в Тибет и нашел, что каждый тибетский храм, как "визитная карточка", имеет изображение необычных глаз. Фотографии этих глаз мы подвергли компьютерному математическому анализу, в результате которого удалось воспроизвести внешность обладателя этих глаз (см. "АиФ" № 20'96 ). Она оказалась весьма странной: очень большой череп, клапан вместо носа, третий глаз и прочее. Кто это был? Сопоставив с литературными данными (Нострадамус, Е. Л. Блаватская и др.), мы выдвинули предположение, что таким мог быть облик человека предыдущей цивилизации - легендарного атланта.

    - Мы произошла от атлантов?

    - Такая гипотеза являлась вполне логичной, если принять в расчет, что на стенах тибетских храмов изображены глаза праотца (или праматери) нашей цивилизации.

    Для проверки этой гипотезы мы отправились в трансгималайскую экспедицию (Индия, Непал, Тибет).

    - Каким методом исследований вы пользовались? Просто ходили и искали следы атлантов?

    Термин Ernst Muldashev содержится в англоязычной Википедии. Там он определяется следующим образом:

    Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev ( Russian. Эрнст Рифгатович Мулдашев Bashkir. Эрнст Рифғәт улы Мулдашев born 1948,Verkhne-Sermenevo, Beloretsky District. Bashkortostan ) is a Bashkortostan doctor. Tibet explorer, from the city of Ufa. Some of his controversial publications were inspired by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. He is associated with alloplants which he claimed to have successfully used in combination with harvested tissue to partially restore partial to a blind Ukrainian woman. Muldashev Ernst Rifgatovich, DMS, professor, Director of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center (Ufa. Bashkortostan. Russia), higher category surgeon, honorable consultant of the Louisville University (USA), member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, certificated ophthalmologist of Mexico, member of the International Academy of Science, three times Champion of the USSR in sport tourism. Muldashev is the inventor of the surgical biomaterial Alloplant. Using the Alloplant biomaterials, the Center treats patients who earlier were thought to be incurable (optic nerve atrophy, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa etc.). The Alloplant invention opened up new opportunities for the development of regenerative surgery — a surgery, oriented to the «growth» of the human tissues. Muldashev has developed more than 70 fundamentally new eye and plastic operations. 58 different types of the Alloplant biomaterials were invented and introduced into practice. He is the author of more than 300 articles, published in Russia and other countries. In 1999 he published a book «Whom we are originated from». He holds patents in Russia, USA, Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy. His works have been awarded two gold medals on International exhibitions. Ernst Muldashev visited more than 40 countries for lectures and demonstrative operations. He is an active surgeon, performing 300-400 surgeries a year.[citation needed] His claims are also highly disputed. Most of his surgeries if not all were proven to be fake by established CERN scientists. He has also claimed to cure blindness something which is also proven to be a fake. In the end all his claims are speculative and unsubstantiated. During a summer visit to Bulgaria in 2010 he was denied the right to conduct operations on patients as his practices were deemed dangerous and unsafe for those who visit him.[citation needed]

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    Изображения о Ernst Muldashev

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